We have developed a desktop application that you can run on your windows computer to help reduce the strain on your hand and arm.
The general idea of the application is to reduce the number of actions that you use when using your mouse.
For RSI sufferers or people with injurys such as lateral epicondylitis commonly known as “Tennis elbow” this application can help by reducing the actions your hand makes.
The idea is to change your numpad on your keyboard, or get a second keyboard and bind the keys to the actions of the mouse.
For example, Map the Numpad 7 to left click, Numpad 9 to right click and Numpad 8 to scroll up and Numpad 5 to scroll down.
With practice you can stop clicking and scrolling all together with the mouse, and train yourself to strictly use the mouse for cursor movement.
You can download the Application Mouse Mapper Here: Download
Install Instructions:
Download the Setup.exe from this link: Download Download and Run the Setup.exe and the application will automatically install.
Once it has installed you can search for “MouseMapper” in the start menu.
Use Instructions
You can add new “Mappings” by entering a key in the keyboard with the left text box and then mapping it to the corresponding mouse action by clicking or scrolling on the input field under “Click or Scroll mouse”.
Once you are happy, click “Add” to add the mapping to the list.
This mapping will remain active, until you either:
- Remove the selected mapping by clicking on it in the list and clicking the “Remove Selected” button.
- Close the application